Thursday, August 1, 2024

dealing with loss. (and some other stuff)

 So, this is post is a bit more serious than the other silly stuff i usually post about my life. See, yk i had a girl right? Yeah... not anymore...

It all started in that middle-of-the-year break, she basically just started, let's just say, hiding her problems for me and other stuff. We talked less and less, but still went on a "date" (her friends were there, not complaining though, they are not bad) and it was pretty much it.

Fast-foward to 3 days ago, she said she wanted to "talk about something". Well, you can see what happened. It honestly doesn't hurt that much, but well, she really dedicated herself for me, and well...

She made sure my inner child's dreams were made true, and my insecurities gone. So it really feels bad to see it wasn't meant to be. But like Pac said: "Life Goes On". Well, it's hard to express it but it was really nice yk? Losing someone never feels good, but i do realize that life had other plans for me, and now my focus is my mental and physical health, and until i find a new girl, i'm just gonna make sure i don't let it get too quiet.

I just wanna thank all my friends who helped me through these hard times. You all really mean a lot to me, seriously, i just want to say i truly love yall, and i hope we can make more nice memories together and evolve together too.

I guess that's pretty much it. I hope life gets better, but hey, at least i'm doing better in school though.
(no westside for today, sorry...)