Monday, July 15, 2024

Music that i find cool

Hey yall! So, this post is more about my favorite artists, and music in general.

First off, we are gonna be talking about... you guessed it!


So, the thing i really like about Pac is, his flow is just really nice, he's GOATED as a lyricist, he's really nice at what he does, and his upbringing and backstory just comes to show how being dedicated and following your dreams can take you far, it's honestly a shame that he passed away so young... It would be really cool to have a wise 50 year old Pac with us...

Next off on the list, we have a brazilian artist that i really really like, he's called Sabotage, and he was also a GREAT lyricist, his songs have really funky beats and he just knew what to say yk? Some people consider him the brazilian Pac

"O maestro do Canão..."

Next off on the list, we've got an artisr that got a LOT of popularity lately, mainly cuz of his beef with BBL Drizzy, yeaaahhh, that's right, KENDRICK LAMAR! So, what i really like about him is also his deep lyrics and the way he uses methaphors in music, he just never fails to make his music be meaningful, and have multiple meanings and interpretations, he's the mastermind behind To Pimp a Butterfly, and that's one of the best albuns of all time for me, honestly.

"I remember you was conflicted..."

And this is all for today!! Thanks for reading and i'm gonna see ya next time with my album rankings, til then, keep bangin'! WESTSIDE!!